Saturday, 5 November 2011


ive realised ive been absent from here for about 5/6 days! so rude of me lol.. i wish i could say its because ive been off doing some amazing, fantastic things and i just ran out of time but honestly... i cant, how boring! ive actually been going through a break up at the moment *boohoo* we were together for a year and a half and i guess things just ran dry.. still gutted at the fact that were not longer together but were good mates and i guess thats always a bonus! anyway i dont wanna become all morbid and talk about breakups and depressing things lol. Just a quick mention to say that Beyonce is a GODDESS i just love listening to her, she makes me feel like strong and powerful and really lightens up my mood, plus she's gorgeous too!

woohoo its firework night tonight! sadly i was working the evening when gravesend done their fireworks! as a kid i used to love it, they used to set up like a fun-fair on the prom grounds and we used to go on them all! then we'd go and watch the fireworks off of the boat in the thames. but tonight im going to go to Blackheath in London where they have a massive firework display so im looking forward to that :) 

im so sorry that nothing that i write about is that interesting or informative, im still getting going 

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