Saturday, 29 October 2011


Yeah, not a very exciting picture.. just showing you that i did eventually get round to painting the Halloween nails. wish i could have had little pumpkins or ghost stickers on them, they look a bit boring :(
The black nail varnish i used was from opi, it was a weeny teeny little bottle that i got in a gift set from christmas, i never used it before as i was loyal to my barry m one, but that had ran out so i had no choice! i actually really like this nail varnish it dried within seconds, only downside was it isn't shiny like normal nailvarnishes, it look more like i had rubbed coal or tarmac on my nail... not a great look! The orange was from N.Y.C i bought this as a last minute thing when i was going to a surprise party and had an orange dress on so i thought it was be good to incorporate the colour to my hands! it was just an ordinary nail varnish, a reasonably big bottle so hopefully it will last a while, it had a nice big brush too so when i was painting it my nails it spread the colour over evenly plus i didn't have to keep dibbing it in the pot to get more nailvarnish on it.

Oh and for those watching x-factor this evening... don't you think that alexandra burke was getting waaaaaaaaaay too big for her boots this evening, i thought she would be a lot more gentle and sympathetic with the contestants. What was with the '' why was she quoting a fashion magazine? haha. Anyway, it seemed to me like she was just trying to fill kellys 'american' shoes, she was also quite rude to louie too but he does deserve it at times! i love janet and she is amazing. 

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