Thursday, 27 October 2011


Ahhhh, Halloween is coming up soon, I loved halloween when I was younger getting dressed up and free sweets, I would do it now if I could! Yet, I still have no plans yet... boohoo. I thought to get in the mood I would paint my nails orange and black, though I haven't actually done it yet guess that will be my task of the day! Oh, and to try out my new rollers which arrived this morning *yipeee*. I'm not too sure why I actually ordered them I dont know anyone that actually owns a pair of rollers, I know that they created volume and curls but as my hair is naturally wavvy I didnt really need them, but they were 2 pound on ebay and I was having shopping withdrawel symptoms. So there they were on my kitchen table waiting to be used today...

Payday is tomorrow WAHEYYYYYYYYYYYYY cannot begin to even start my list of things that I wanna get, I keep telling myself not to spend as I'm savign for Newyork in easter, but with winter season approaching and so many cute knitted jumpers and scarves and boots it's hard to pull myself away from Bluewater! I have lived off £35 (I got moved from weekly pay to monthly pay hence the low figure) for a whole month, until my work decided to give me a uniform slip which gave me up to £75 to spend in Topshop but then I got 60% off so I actually spent £30!! :D (must thank Burton for being so good to me) 

Damn, I was meant to talk about Halloween and completely went off topic!



  1. ahhh glad im not the only one :)

  2. Halloween's my favourite time of the year :)

  3. I wish I had halloween plans too!Yay for payday though x

  4. I love the way you write, cant wait for more posts haha gonna follow u
